Wednesday 26 September 2012

Digital Collage Research


What i am inpressed with?
What i could improve?

Did you use google to find artists art work?
What artist inspired you?

Photoshop Techniques:
What layers did you use?
Did you change the copacity?

If i was doing it again what aspects would i change:
Would you try to learn more about photoshop?
Would you of used more pictures?

Compare with others work:
What artist would you compare it to?
Whos work in the class you you compare yours to?

How long did it take you to finish?

Changes i made during the planning?
Did you add more or delete any pictures?
what effects did you change?

 I researched digital collage art work on google images and i found a piece of artwork form Peter Ciccariello and it showed loads of images of animals and objects and they were all transparent so it looked like an illusion.

 I reseached more of his work and they are all simular with the images chosen and techniques. I was really impressed by his work and thats when i decided i wanted my collage to be in the style of his and amazingly i made my collage look like his. The techniques i used were quite basic but they were still effective. 

The layers i used were mostly normal but i changed the hue on them but i did you Vivid Light and Linear Burn effects. The main techniques i used were change the Opacity of the images and copy and pasting some of images and rotating them horizontally. 

Now that i had a better idea of what i wanted to do in my collage, if i had to do it again the aspects i would change would be getting more images, learn to use Photoshop more effectivley it would look even better when finished but i wouldn't change any of the effects and layers i used. In comparison to Tristan's collage, he used much more images than me and he spent more time researching and more times making his collage so his was more impressive. Even thought his artwork was more effective i am still very impressed with my collage. 

Tristan spent longer than me on this task but i still spent quite a long time on my collage; i spent about 1hour and 30mintues on just the research and spent about 2hours on creating the collage. But the planning took about 3hours bacause at first i diddn't have a idea on what pictures i would use and what artist i would make in the style of. I had 3 ideas at first but they wern't good and i diddn't have the Photoshop skills to do it. Then after finally finding a piece of work from an artist i had another idea of mirroring images. Because i diddn't have many pictures so copy and pasting the images would look like more images but still look very effective.

Overall i think my collage turned out really well even though i used what i knew from Photoshop. I really liked the idea of mirroring my images so i used most of the images twice. I came up with mirroring my images myself.Also, i really liked making the images transparent so the collage is like an illusion. The one thing i would of done to improve my collage is possibly adding more images to it.

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