Saturday 15 December 2012

Final edited video + evaluation + Storyboard

This is my finished film. It's a Comedy/ Action Thriller, it is about a marshmallows Apocalypse at Cabot tower and because the marshmallows are not exactly sweet (pun intended) they are evil and that's when i thought of possibly the best name for the film 'harshmallowz'.I also decided to end mallows with a 'z' because it looks cooler. The marshmallows feed of human flesh, and three college students are willing to stop this from happening, mainly to avenge there friend which was eaten alive but the marshmallows. They try but fail... quite badly ( this is mainly the humour involved)

Originally i had two ideas for a 60 video, a how to video on the best ways to destroy a mobile phone and a trailer for a horror movie about marshmallow that are just like zombies. But i thought the idea for a video with marshmallows was a pretty good idea so i stuck with that and thought more about it. After alot of thought i didn't really want to do a video trailer of a how to video, i wanted to just do a very quick movie, at first i thought we were only aloud to choose from either one of the two but when i found out that we didn't have to to either i new i definitely wanted to do a Short film. After more thought i decided to scrap the idea of it being a horror, i wanted to make it like an action thriller, using guns and making it look like serious warfare. But i wanted it not to be 100% serious, i wanted it to have alot of humour, the movie would be serious for the actors but the audience would find it funny, so it would be a comedy/action thriller.

The location i wanted to use for my movie was Cabot tower from the start, no matter what movie i was going to do i wanted to film it at Cabot tower. It's a really nice location and it has got a lot of history so people who knew about the tower would relate to it. I also wanted that location because it is high up so in the background all you would be able to see is an outstanding view.

At first i thought that filming all of this would be quite easy, but it wasn't, because the start was filmed we had to wait till there was hardly no one about in the area we were filming, it took about half an hour just to film the bit inside the college. It was even worse when we made it to the Cabot tower, when we got there i didn't realise how narrow everything was, so there wasn't much room to move. And constantly tourists and other people wanted to take a look at the tower. Plus cause we were so high up, the cold weather was really bad, it was windy and freezing, our hands were freezing, so we decided to stop and do it again when the weather was better. It was very stressful and i was worried because of all this i wasn't going to have a good film or have a good film at all. Also that was disappointing, i thought it would be a good idea that the marshmallows would have faces and trying to drawing them was impossible, it wouldn't at all show on the marshmallows, even with permanent markers, so i went to buy some sticky labels, i drew a face on each sticky label and i tried to stick them on them marshmallows and wouldn't at all stick. I went to try and find some sticky tape but i couldn't find anything, so i had to film with just plain marshmallows.

Even though the marshmallows were dull i still think that the filming was really good, everything went well and when i edited the video i was surprised that it turned out so well. What i really liked about the film was that we used Nerf guns, and lucky me, Ashley and Luke all owned one, i thought they would be effective because it would show that we were suppose to be serious but because we were using toy guns it would be humorous. I decided that when it came to the editing i would do slow motion shot of us shooting the marshmallows, the sound i used made it very effective. The sounds i used were a pistol sound effect for when the gun fires, and a sound effect which i made, it is standing on a can for when the marshmallows get hit by the Nerf gun bullets.

Other sound effects i chose was the zombie like growling which i made myself, i wanted them to have a very scary sound because basically they are zombies, i really do believe that they made the movie much better, with out those growling sound effects the movie wouldn't of been half as good. Also i used the 'wilhelm' sound effect for Luke's death, the sound effect is used in so many movies and i thought would be good to use cause people could relate to it and it adds humour to the video. I used the same sound effect i used for the marshmallows getting hit by the Nerf gun bullets for me hitting the floor when i jump off the Cabot tower. I used the horror like violin screech for my ring tone, i used it because it would add humour and it will make the audience think something bad is going to happen. Other sounds were the night rider theme to start off the video and one of the Halo 4 theme songs, the halo 4 theme was used for like half of the video, mainly because i wanted it to play in the background when the battle was happening.

The things that went well for the video was pretty much most of the whole film, the sound used was really effective, the slow motion when shooting the marshmallows went well and was also very effective, also the fact that even though it was very narrow at the Cabot tower all the moving around was good. What also went well was the point of view shots for the marshmallows, i changed the contrast and gave it a purple like colour, it shows that the marsh mallows are alien like and don't have the same sight as a human, and i use that effect for the credits as well because it relates to the marshmallows more and also because using effects like that for credits is used quite alot. What also went well was the action man being used as me jumping off of the Cabot tower, it also adds humour because the is so obvious what it is it would make people laugh anyway.

Things that could of been improved was the colour of camera when we were filming in the college, after we filmed we noticed that the night vision was on and it made everything look dull. The hole film would have been better if i was able to put faces on the marshmallows. Ashley's death could of been improved as well, when we were filming we had to slowly fall to the floor in order to keep the marshmallow balancing on his shoulder and i sped that part up but it looks so obvious that it has been sped up and it didn't look as well as i hoped it to be. Also there was quite alot of camera movement which could of been abit better, we were originally going to take a tripod to Cabot tower but because of how narrow everything was we all new that the try pod wouldn't even be able to get carried up the stairs and be able to stand. Another error was a the start in the college and when we get to Cabot tower you can see that i was wearing a purple shirt with a collar, but when we went to film again i thought i wore a black shirt last time so i wore a black shirt, luckily this error isn't so noticeable unless if you look really hard, i didn't even notice this error till i uploaded it, and i don't think anyone else who watched it noticed so i think i could get away with it.

Overall despite the slight errors think the film was amazing, everyone i showed it to such as friends family thought it was out standing.

Here are a few comments of what people thought...

I am really happy with the comments and what people really think of my film, i was excepting this kind of feedback. I am really proud of this film, it went well, and i can learn from the slight errors in the future when i make another film.

This is my storyboard. This is also my research, i had to use pictures for my storyboard because the my first storyboard was hard to understand.

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